We are honored to be a part of the rich history of Windsor Farms, a beloved Richmond neighborhood, and your generous support plays a vital role in maintaining our beautiful building and grounds for the enjoyment of future generations.
Ways to Give
Check/Credit Card
A check payable to TTWC can be mailed to the club at 4215 Dover Road, Richmond, VA 23221. Please be sure to write in the memo TTWC Annual Campaign. Credit card donations may be submitted online by clicking here.
Matching Gift
For donors working for companies which provide matching funds, the donor must request that matching funds be submitted directly to TTWC. Follow the procedures established by your company. Please notify us by emailing the details to twc-director@thetuckahoe.org. Details to include are the donor, the donor address, the amount of the donation and the company providing the company match.
Donor-Advised Funds
For donations from a donor-advised fund, follow the procedures established by your brokerage firm or investment company. Please notify us by emailing the details to twc-director@thetuckahoe.org. The details should include the donor, the donor address, the amount of the donation and which investment company is processing the donation.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
For Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), follow the procedures established by your brokerage firm or investment company. Please notify us by emailing the details to twc-director@thetuckahoe.org. The details should include the donor, the donor address, the amount of the donation and which investment company is processing the donation.
Planned Giving
Planned giving gifts includes bequests, gift annuities, as a beneficiary of life insurance policies or individual retirement accounts. For purposes of recognition, the donor must state in writing that she has included TTWC in her estate plans.
Stocks, Securities, Mutual Funds, Etc.
For any type of gift such as marketable securities, mutual funds and exchange traded funds, other than those described above, please fill out the available form (see link below). We need your donor information to properly process and acknowledge your gift. Once we receive your form (email to twc-director@thetuckahoe.org), we will reach out to you with the necessary information you will need to initiate the transaction with your brokerage firm or investment company. Gifts are received through our investment company, Merrill Lynch. For questions regarding initiating these types of gifts to TTWC, or if you plan to donate individual bonds, please contact our Merrill Lynch Investment advisor:
Nicholas Palmer, CFP
Merrill Lynch (804) 225-6822
Email: nicholas.palmer@ml.com